A meaningful work and pay future

Are you, too, thinking of changing jobs, working independently, becoming an entrepreneur or considering a multiple income stream? Do you need a-call-to-action stimulator for this recognized urgency? Then you probably need to read FLEX OR FAIL.


The days of lifelong employment are over. What is more, current generations may feel claustrophobic in a such situation. By 2030 the number of independent workers (23% of total workforce) will double and 60% of the current workforce will be affected to a certain degree from the automation and the megatrends in the working environment. Concepts such as gig and gift economy, agile structure, tribes and squads will be the new norm when talking about work. The Microsoft without Office era has begun.


From demographic characteristics of the generations, and how they affect the macro and platform economy, to gift economy and hi-tech and hi-touch jobs. From entrepreneurship and multiple income streams to happiness and meaningful life.

What can the Stoics teach us about rationality over emotions? Can we free ourselves from materialism and reach eudaemonia?


FLEX OR FAIL is an insightful book written by Arturo Bris, which presents in a most comprehensive way the future of work and pay and how it will affect individuals on a personal level as well.

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